new architecture on indigenous lands The authors note that their scholarly process included identifying buildings that exhibit and personify Native cultures and the building traditions of those cultures; it is fair to say that Malnar and Vodvarka succeeded in their task. The authors have produced a scholarly record of twentieth and twenty-first century indigenous architecture projects that express the theme of social and cultural influence, past and present, on the architectural design process…Topics such as design more—Hillary B. Veeder, Public Services Librarian Texas Tech University Libraries This volume is a welcome addition to the growing body of literature devoted to the importance of the arts as a means of cultural expression and revitalization for indigenous peoples. Carefully edited by J. Malnar (University of Illinois) and F. Vodvarka(Loyola University), New Architecture on Indigenous Lands is a detailed exploration of 56 contemporary architectural projects more—Nuno F. Ribeiroa, Indigenous Peoples’ Health Research Centre, University of Regina, Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change In this recent examination of First Nations architectural projects, authors Joy Monice Malnar and Frank Vodvarka predict a new architecture is on the rise – with implications that stretch far beyond reserve boundaries. They cite the design sensitivities implicit in First Peoples’ world views, more —Wanda Dalla Costa, Director of Redquill Architecture, Canadian Architect